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Marina - Act 1 - 2023

I am finally at a point in my photography journey where I know EXACTLY who my client is.

A lot of knowing who my client is…is knowing who my client is NOT.

And that means I find myself saying no more often these days.

I am no longer interested in the superficial. I’m not going to snap a few headshots and send you on your way (although that would be so easy to make a quick buck being in the performance industry). I am not going to get rid of wrinkles and stretch marks and I have no desire to perpetuate the idea of perfection. I don’t take family portraits and I don’t like kids, let alone taking photos of them. And the idea of someone booking a boudoir shoot to gift the images to a spouse makes me want to barf. (DO.IT.FOR.YOURSELF. or don’t do it at all.)

HOLD ON. You’re probably reading this and thinking, “Eeee she’s coming off a little aggressive. She won’t get very many clients that way.”

And you’re probably right. But I don’t WANT a lot of clients. I want a FEW. (I’m also expensive, that weeds people out.)

The truth is that there are SO MANY PHOTOGRAPHERS out there. I bet you know at least five yourself. And a lot of them will be so very happy to take those types of images.

But I’m not like them and I am no longer going to apologize for it or try to fit into a box I’m not meant for. Because I’m something else. And so are my clients.

My client loves to play dress up and taking risks with styling.

My client doesn’t mind rolling around on the floor or getting dirt in their hair.

My client comes to me for the variety of images they will get and they are planning on slapping at least one big one on their wall because they are ART.

But most importantly my client comes to me to cry. My client recognizes the beauty in the pain. My client sees the soul in the suffering. My client has shit they want to get out.

My clients are the movers, the shakers, the emotion-makers.

And I cannot wait to meet you.


Marina is a perfect example of my ideal client. She is all of the things I mentioned above and more.

This is just the first of three acts you’ll see of our session together and I think as a whole you’ll be able to get a sense of what a session with me is like. You will get pretty images, yes. But you will also be vulnerable and BRAVE enough to let me see a glimpse of the soul beyond the visage.