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MAEVE- Act 2- 2023

Maeve – Act 2 – 2023 I used to think that the non-cohesiveness of my work meant that I was somehow less or flawed. That I couldn’t pick a style or a genre was a problem, and a big one. How are people going to recognize your work as being yours? How else are you […]

MAEVE- Act 1- 2023

Maeve – Act 1 – 2023 I’m a big fan of juxtaposition. I love delicate with powerful, antique with cutting edge, serenity amidst chaos. I live to smoosh things together. My favorite thing to do is go off a vague idea or image and create an entire concept around it. The base inspiration for this […]

MARINA- Act 3- 2023

Marina – Act 3 – 2023 And now we have come to the end of the Marina session. I hope that by looking through all 3 acts you are able to see what a photoshoot with me is like. There is beauty, there is pain, there is dancing and movement and fashion and even a […]

MARINA- Act 2- 2023

Marina – Act 2 – 2023 You know when you’re feeling big feelings and you want to punch something or scream until there’s nothing left or writhe on the floor or jump up and down with glee? Well it’s because emotions are energy and energy wants to move.  If you hold all of your emotions […]

MARINA- Act 1- 2023

Marina – Act 1 – 2023 I am finally at a point in my photography journey where I know EXACTLY who my client is. A lot of knowing who my client is…is knowing who my client is NOT. And that means I find myself saying no more often these days. I am no longer interested […]

PAUL- Act 2 2023

Paul – Act 2 -2023 I hope that I can help everyone who steps in front of my lens feel seen. I hope that my images can be the light that all of you beautiful moths are drawn to in the dark. Because images are powerful. But the real power lies in connecting with another […]

PAUL- Act 1 2023

Paul – Act 1 – 2023 This is the part where I write a long-winded post explaining what happened and where the hell I’ve been (as a photographer or lack thereof) for a few years. Pretty much no one will read it and instead skip ahead to look at the cool images (I don’t blame […]