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Vivenne Rose - 2023

Can we please stop throwing sheets on plus-sized bodies?

Relegating them to the roll of ‘goddess.’

As if that is all they are, ALL they are allowed to be in photographs.

I’m going to go on a mini-rant right now but I feel like it needs to be said because every time I see a plus sized body on social media with a half-assed draped piece of fabric around them like an afterthought a little piece of me dies.

 So buckle up buttercups and pay attention because this is important. 

If you are a photographer and all of your standard size (don’t even get me started on this problematic term…) folks are in fully stylized outfits and all of your plus sized folks are draped in sheets then you are doing both them and the world a disservice.

It’s lazy, it’s unimaginative, and you need to do better. Unfortunately, I see it so many times that I’m ranting about it. Beautiful portfolio, awesome concepts, but the plus sized person is wearing a sheet and the caption literally has the word ‘goddess’ somewhere in there. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a goddess concept…but there has got to be effort put in, the same amount of effort and selection of garments and accessories that everyone else gets in the rest of your portfolio. I’m talking about inclusiveness and equality.

As photographers we sometimes forget our power. We create and shape the world with our imagery. We show people what they can be. So if you’re being lackadaisical when it comes to concepts for your plus-sized clients you need to strive harder.

I can already hear the chorus:

‘But there aren’t any options.’ (Yes there are, do some quick Googling.)

‘The options that are out there are too expensive.’ (Generally, this is true due to high demand and more fabric equals higher cost. For those on a budget I suggest you get creative and go to the thrift store or make something just for them.)

 ‘But I don’t know how to sew.’ (Well then find someone who can.)  

These are all excuses. The fact is that you can either be part of the problem or part of the solution.

If you are a photographer and your plus sized client wants to go the goddess route…the way I see it is you have two options- you can either make it the best damn goddess photoshoot that you are capable of or you can ask them to dig deeper. You can ask questions like, “if you could dress/be/step into the character of ANYTHING what would it be?” or “what about a goddess photoshoot resonates with you specifically?” Unfortunately, the reason WHY so many plus sized individuals are drawn to the concept in the first place is because it’s all they are seeing from photographers and plus sized influencers who model. This is why it is so very important to show people that there are other ways to photograph bigger bodies.

And speaking about being the change…

Here is my trashy diva concept featuring the fabulous Vivienne Rose. Enjoy!